Community Health Officer Free Exam, NHM CHO, CHO MCQ Free Test series, CHO Marathi doctor, CHO Important 20 MCQ, CHO Question, Maharashtra CHO Exam 2020,
1) Which of the following is a communicable disease?
A) Diabetes
B) Diphtheria
C) Hypertension
D) Kwashirkor
Correct Answer is Option B) Diphtheria
2) Which among the following is not a common symptom of tuberculosis?
A) Cough for three weeks or more
B) Fever, especially at night
C) Weight gain
D) Loss of appetite
Correct Answer is Option C) Weight gain
3) What is the full form of VVM?
A) Vaccine verification monitor
B) Vaccine viability monitor
C) Vaccine vial monitor
D) None of these
Correct Answer is Option C) Vaccine vial monitor
4] What is the preferred site for administering the DPT vaccine in infants?
A) Dorso gluteal Muscle
B) Gluteus Maximus
C) Vastus Lateralis
D) Gluteus Medius
Correct Answer is Option C) Vastus Lateralis
5] All among the following “Home Available Fluids (HAF)” can be given to a diarrhea patient, except
A) Lemon water
B) Buttermilk
C) Sugarcane juice
D) Coconut water
Correct Answer is Option C) Sugarcane juice
6] The suggested dose of vitamin-A given at 9 months of age is-
A) 2 lakh IU
B) 3 lakh IU
C) 1 lakh IU
D) 50,000 IU
Correct Answer is Option C) 1 lakh IU
7] Fever, abdominal tenderness, slow pulse, delirium, and rose-colored rash indicative the disease-
A) Smallpox
B) Measles
C) Tetanus
D) Chickenpox
Correct Answer is Option B) Measles
8] Leprosy is caused by-
A) Mycobacterium leprae
B) Mycobacterium tubereulous
C) Rotavirus
D) Mosquito
Correct Answer is Option A) Mycobacterium leprae
9] Which first-line anti TB drug is contraindicated for pregnant women?
A) Streptomycin
B) Isoniazid
C) Ethambutol
D) Pyrazinamide
Correct Answer is Option A) Streptomycin
10] Symptoms of stroke are-
A) Confusion and Difficulty in speech
B) Severe headache and dizziness
C) Difficulty in swallowing and Face drooping
D) All of these
Correct Answer is Option D) All of these
11] Gestational diabetes occurs in-
A) Lactating mothers
B) Elderly population
C) Adolescents
D) Pregnant women
Correct Answer is Option D) Pregnant women
12] How does cancer spread in the human body?
A) Through the lymphatic system
B) Through blood
C) Through Skin
D) Both the lymphatic system and Through the bloodstream
Correct Answer is Option D) Both the lymphatic system and Through the bloodstream
13] The common method of screening for Cervical Cancer in the community is-
A) Ultrasound
B) Blood smear
C) Visual inspection with acetic acid
D) CT scan
Correct Answer is Option C) Visual inspection with acetic acid
14] How many steps are involved in doing breast self-examination-
A) 1
B) 5
C) 3
D) 4
Correct Answer is Option B) 5
15] Asthma can be prevented by-
A) Preventing exposure to allergens
B) Take vaccine against asthma
C) Taking medicines regularly
D) None of the above
Correct Answer is Option A) Preventing exposure to allergens
16] Beta Blocker and ACE Inhibitors prescribed for the management of
A) Hypertension
B) Diabetes
D) None of these
Correct Answer is Option A) Hypertension
17] The following are fat-soluble vitamins except-
A) Vitamin A
B) Vitamin D
C) Vitamin C
D) Vitamin E
Correct Answer is Option C) Vitamin C
18] Vitamin needed for blood clotting-
A) Vitamin A
B) Vitamin B
C) Vitamin E
D) Vitamin K
Correct Answer is Option D) Vitamin K
19] Oral Rehydration Therapy is recommended for patient suffering with-
A) Cholera
B) Tetanus
C) Tuberculosis
D) Typhoid
Correct Answer is Option A) Cholera
20] Which procedure will help in the management of atonic PPH?
A) Uterine muscle dilators
B) Bimanual compression of the uterus
C) Suturing of cervical and vaginal tears
D) Intravaginal packing
Correct Answer is Option B) Bimanual compression of the uterus
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